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Transform your business with item level RFID tagging

01. Identify



This allows us to know WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, AND HOW

With smarter data, you can make smarter moves

Inventory Accuracy & Replenishment

Optimize your inventory management and processes with unprecedented speed

Omnichannel Enablement

Turn every store into a warehouse, and enable customers to shop online and pickup goods in stores!

Fast track inwarding & outwarding

Scan 1000s of units inside boxes with speed and accuracy like never before

Inventory accuracy & replenishment

RFID can improve inventory accuracy to upwards of 98% from the conventional 70%. Every 3% improvement in accurate inventory results in 1% more sales.

Accurate Inventory

Omnichannel enablement

RFID Enables online and offline interaction through faster delivery and lesser returns

Faster Supply Chain

Competitive advantage is all about offering the most appropriate product to customers at just the right price; RFID lets you track inventory accurately in stores and supply chain.



We use University of Auburn - ARC approved inlays.

Interested in working with us?

As a fast growing company, we have a diverse and exciting range of opportunities. Are you ready for a new challenge? If you believe you can transform how businesses work, Get in touch with us today.

Inventory Accuracy
Increased Revenue
Customer Experience

Advantage RFID with Tag ID

A few benefits of how adopting RFID technology based solutions will benefit your enterprise.

Get IN Touch

Keen to transform your inventory accuracy and skyrocket your sales graph? Call +91 7559352898 today...